NSAA - Norra Sveriges AmatörAstronomer
NSAA - North Sweden Amateur Astronomers
NSAA har fått denna förfrågan om att obsa solförmörkelsen med spanjorer via Dan Kiselman (Svenska Astronomiska Sällskapet):
Från: Jorge Hernández Bernal
I wrote to slottsskogsobservatoriet@gmail.com and he has said me that maybe you can help me.
I'm an astronomer from Salamanca, Spain, my astronomy group is planning a great public observation for the night 3-4 January to see the eclipse at the sunrise. We are planning to connect with other groups from other countries during the eclipse. Sweden is one of the best locations to see this eclipse, so we would like connect with a gruop from sweden, specially if they are planning a public observation. Our idea is to have a videoconference, you show us the eclipse and how you are observing it and we show you the same.
Thank you.
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NSAA - Norra Sveriges AmatörAstronomer
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