NSAA - Norra Sveriges AmatörAstronomer
NSAA - North Sweden Amateur Astronomers
För er som är intresserade, Richard Bartlett har skrivit en Astronomisk Almanacka (2015-2019).
Boken finns på Amazon (kindle) gratis till den 22/09.
Designed for astronomers of all levels, the almanac provides details of thousands of astronomical events from 2015 through to 2019.
Written by a former freelance writer for Astronomy magazine, the guide includes almost daily data and information on the Moon and planets, as well as Pluto, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta:
The guide includes almost daily data and information on the Moon and planets, as well as Pluto, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, from 2015 through to the end of 2019:
* The phases of the Moon
* Conjunctions between the Moon, planets and asteroids (including angular separation for conjunctions involving the planets and asteroids.)
* Lunar and Solar eclipses
* Annual summaries of when to observe the planets and asteroids
* Annual summaries of notable close planetary conjunctions
* Peak dates for the major meteor showers with moon phase
* Dates of perihelion, aphelion, perigee and apogee for the planets and asteroids
* Inferior and Superior conjunction for Mercury and Venus
* Greatest Eastern and Western elongation for Mercury and Venus
* Opposition and solar conjunction dates for the outer planets and asteroids
* Apparent diameter changes for the planets
* Magnitude changes for the planets and asteroids
* Constellation changes for the Sun, planets and asteroids
* Dates of the equinoxes and solstices"
Kindle nedladdningslänk är:
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NN6WTWU (US)
http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00NN6WTWU (UK)
Clear Skies.
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